Component List:
- Resistors(3)
- AC source
- 5v battery/source
- Push button switches(2)
- Buzzer
- Light bulbs
- LED red
- LM044L display
- PIC16F877
- 1K potentiometer
- RTD14005F miniature pcb DPCO relay
- DPDT switch
- Light dependent resistor
- ULN2003A
- System can be engaged or disengaged via start and stop buttons
- Implements a two way switching system with already existing switching system
- Immediately turns off outside light when the outside is bright enough, and on when place is dark. Sensitivity can be carried with the potentiometer
- Automatically turns on light when person is detected in the room.
- Sounds buzzer when person is not detected, and prompts person to move, just in case the PIR failed to detect person
- Turns of light after 10 seconds if no human is detected. This time can be varied in the code.